Youtube Clip Converter

Convert Youtube music clips to Mp4 or Mp3, and download files to your laptop

You can search Youtube by artist name or video title. Or simply insert video URL and hit red button.
Here most popular Youtube music videos

Clip Converter for Youtube videos

Welcome to Here you can do 1 simple thing - convert Youtube clips to mp4, mp3 and that's just about enough, right? We do offer a few more conversion formats, some extended quality options. Mp4 and Mp3 formats being most sought after, so we are mostly concentrating on them. Check it out, look around, we can convert Youtube videos and short clips to mp4, mp3 and a few other formats. We can even handle a Youtube Playlist, if you have one saved for us..

Youtube Clip Converter to mp3, mp4, etc

Clipconverter is a technological oasis in the ocean of Internet. It's an app that helps you convert Youtube clips and videos to mp3 and mp4 formats. Besides that we offer M4A, WEBM, 3GP, AVI, MPEG-2, etc - whatever the source is. We also combine video and audio for you, so don't worry, you won't have to download soundless video anymore, like on all those other sites. Here you can choose to download audio only as mp3 file or video as mp4 file. It's free, there's no registration required, no wait or delays, no limits.. What are you waiting for? You can even check out Top 20 or use search functions that happen when you type something into the input/search box. Different languages have their own different Top 20s, if you're interested to check what musically happens in other countries right now.. Take a look, it's always quite curious.


How does Clipconverter work? Can I convert Youtube videos here?

This site has an app - it's free

Add to Home Screen

Try this site Clipconverter as a webapp on your Windows or Android device, hit the button above and when browser asks if you'd like to install this app - say 'YES' to the future 😀

Try quick access shortcut

Download Mp3

This is our bookmarklet, if you save it to your bookmarks and then press when you have some online video playing in browser - you will be sent here with video's URL address already neatly placed in the search box. Give it a try.


What's the quickest way to download Youtube video?

  1. Locate the video you need to download, copy its link to clipboard, use Share button if nothing else seems to be working.
  2. Visit clipconvert and paste video URL into the search box, hit big red Download button.
  3. Wait a moment, now select the file format you wish then click the Convert button.

Do you impose any daily or weekly download limits?

Not at all. We never limited nobody, we never limit nobody!!! Site is free and open for everyone to use it. Have fun.

Does this app work on my Androir or iPhone mobile?

Yes, as long as you have Internet access and a web browser, install our app and it will work anywhere when those 2 conditions are met.. We must stress hard - app needs Internet access to work right.

How to convert Youtube video to mp4 or mp3 on a smartphone?

  1. Access Youtube from your Youtube app (or web browser) on your Android device; copy the video URL you wish to download (share button, then copy link).
  2. Paste the video link into the search box and hit download. You also can search Youtube videos - just enter some keywords and pick search tag and video from search results.
  3. At last, but not least, select video format or mp3 file output, hit Get Link button and tap that to start conversion and the following file download.

Where downloaded files are stored on my device?

Files you've downloaded are all saved in the default Downloads folder on your device. Just check in the menu, it's easy to find them. On computer right click in the download history to get the 'open containing folder' option.

Do you work with whole Youtube playlist?

Yes, we have no problem doing whole playlist. Just copy its link on Youtube, our search doesn't work for playlists, and you'll be presented with choice what videos you want to download and convert, it's easy and fast.